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brain atrophy already, and dry as grandmother's cunt."
  He  turns  into  Rock  and  Roll  hoodlum. "I  screw the
old gash --  like a  crossword puzzle  what relation  to me
is the outcome  if it  outcome? My  father already  or not
yet?  I  can't  screw you,  Jack, you  is about  to become
my  father,  and  better  'twere  to  cut your  throat and
screw  my  mother  playing  it   straight  than   fuck  my
father  or  vice versa  mutatis mutandis  as the  case may
be,  and  cut  my  mother's  throat,  that  sainted  gash,
though  it  be  the  best  way  I  know  to stem  her word
horde  and  freeze  her  asset.  I mean  when a  fellow be
caught  short  in  the switches  and don't  know is  he to
over up his ass  to 'great  big daddy'  or commit  a torso
job  on  the  old  lady.  Give  me two  cunts and  a prick
of  steel  and  keep  your  dirty finger  out of  my sugar
bum  what  you  think  I   am  a   purple-assed  reception
already   fugitive   from   Gibraltar?  Male   and  female
castrated  he  them.  Who  can't  distinguish  between the
sexes?  I'll  cut  your  throat  you white  mother fucker.
Come  out  in  the open  like my  grandchild and  meet thy
unborn  mother  in  dubious  battle.  Confusion  hath fuck
his masterpiece. I have cut the janitor's throat  quite by
mistake of identity, he  being such  a horrible  fuck like
the old man. And in the coal bin all cocks are alike."
  So  leave  us return  to the  stricken field.  One youth
hath  penetrate  his  comrade,  whilst  another  youth does
amputate  the  proudest  part  of  that   cock's  quivering
beneficiary so that  the visiting  member projects  to fill
the  vacuum  nature  abhors  and  ejaculate into  the Black
Lagoon   where   impatient  piranha   snap  up   the  child
not  yet born  nor --  in view  of certain  well established
facts -- at all likely. )
  Another bore carries around a  suitcase full  of trophies
and  medals,  cups  and ribbons:  "Now this  I won  for the
Most  Ingenious  Sex  Device  Contest  in  Yokohama.  (Hold
him,  he's  desperate.)  The  Emperor  gave  it to  me him-
self and there were tears in his  eyes, and  the runners-up
all castrated theirselves with harakiri  knives. And  I won
this  ribbon  in  a  Degradation  Contest  at  the  Teheran
meeting of Junkies Anonymous."
  "Shot  up  my  wife's  M.S,  and her  down with  a kidney
stone  big  as  the  Hope  Diamond.
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