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And after an initial lesion at the point  of infee-
tion the disease passes to the lymph glands of  the groin,
which  swell  and  burst  in  suppurating  fissures, drain
for  days,  months,  years,  a purulent  stringy discharge
streaked  with  blood  and  putrid   lymph.  Elephantiasis
of the genitals is a frequent  complication, and  cases of
gangrene   have   been   recorded  where   the  amputation
in  medio of  the patient  from the  waist down  was indi-
cated  but  hardly  worth   while.  Women   usually  suffer
secondary  infection  of  the   anus.  Males   who  resign
themselves up  for passive  intercourse to  infected part-
ners  like  weak  and  soon  to  be  purple-assed baboons,
may also nourish a little stranger. Initial  proctitis and
the  inevit4ble purulent  discharge --  which may  pass un-
noticed in the  shuRe --  is followed  by stricture  of the
rectum  requiring intervention  of an  apple corer  or its
surgical  equivalent,  lest  the  unfortunate  patient  be
reduced  to  fart  and shit  in his  teeth giving  rise to
stubborn  cases  of  halitosis  and unpopularity  with all
sexes,  ages  and conditions  of homo  sapiens. In  fact a
blind  bugger  was  deserted  by  his  seeing  eye  police
dog  --  copper at  heart. Until  quite recently  there was
no  satisfactory  treatment.  "Treatment  is  symptomatic"
--  which  means  in  the  trade  there  is none.  Now many
cases  yield  to intensive  therapy with  aureomycin, ter-
ramycin   and  some   of  the   newer  molds.   However  a
certain  appreciable   percentage  remain   refractory  as
mountain  gorillas....  So,  boys,  when  those  hot licks
play  over  your  balls  and  prick and  dart up  your ass
like  an  invisible  blue  blow torch  of orgones,  in the
words  of  I.  B.  Watson, Think.  Stop panting  and start
palpating...  and  if  you  palpate  a  bubo   draw  your-
self back in and say in  a cold  nasal whine:  "You think
I am innarested to contact  your horrible  old condition?
I am not innarested at all.")
  Rock  and  Roll adolescent  hoodlums storm  the streets
of  all  nations.  They  rush into  the Louvre  and throw
acid  in  the Mona  Lisa's face.  They open  zoos, insane
asylums,  prisons,  burst water  mains with  air hammers,
chop the floor  out of  passenger plane  lavatories, shoot
out lighthouses, file elevator cables  to one  thin wire,
turn  sewers  into  the  water  supply, throw  sharks and
sting  rays,  electric  eels  and  candiru  into swimming
pools  (the  candiru  is  a small  eel-like fish  or worm
about  one-quarter  inch  through  and  two  inches  long
patronizing certain rivers of ill  repute in  the Greater
Amazon Basin,  will dart  up your  prick or  your asshole
or  a  woman's  cunt  faute  de  mieux, and  hold himself
there  by  sharp  spines with  precisely what  motives is
not known  since no  one has  stepped forward  to observe
the candiru's life-cycle in  sito), in  nautical costumes
ram  the  Queen  Mary  full speed  into New  York Harbor,
play  chicken  with  passenger  planes  and  busses, rush
into hospitals in white coats carrying saws and  axes and
scalpels three feet  long; throw  paralytics out  of iron
lungs  (mimic  their suffocations  flopping about  on the
floor and  rolling their  eyes up),  administer injections
with  bicycle pumps,  disconnect artificial  kidneys, saw
a  woman  in  half  with  a  two-man  surgical  saw, they
drive herds of squealing  pigs into  the Curb,  they shit
on  the floor  of the  United Nations  and wipe  their ass
with treaties, pacts, alliances.
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