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  By plane, car, horse, camel, elephant, tractor, bicycle
and steam roller, on foot, skis,  sled, crutch  and pogo-
stick the  tourists storm  the frontiers,  demanding with
inflexible  authority  asylum  from the  "unspeakable con-
ditions  obtaining  in  Freeland,"  the  Chamber  of Com-
merce  striving  in  vain  to  stem the  debacle: "Please
to be restful. It  is only  a few  crazies who  have from
the crazy place outbroken."


  And  Joselito  who  wrote  bad,  class-conscious poetry
began  to  cough.  The  German  doctor  made a  brief ex-
amination, touching Joselito's  ribs with  long, delicate
fingers. The doctor was also a concert violinist, a math-
ematician, a chess master, and a Doctor  of International
Jurisprudence with license to practice in  the lavatories
of the Hague. The  doctor flicked  a hard,  distant glance
across  Joselito's  brown  chest. He  looked at  Carl and
smiled -- one educated man to another  smile --  and raised
his eyebrow, saying without words:
  "Alzo  for  the  so  stupid peasant  we must  avoid use
of the word  is it  not? Otherwise  he shit  himself with
fear. Hoch and spit they are both nasty words I think?"
  He said aloud: "It is a catarro de los pulmones."
  Carl  talked  to  the doctor  outside under  the narrow
arcade  with  rain  bouncing up  from the  street against
his pant legs, thinking how  many people  he tell  it to,
and  the  stairs,  porches,  lawns,  driveways, corridors
and streets of the  world there  in the  doctor's eyes...
stuffy  German  alcoves,  butterfly  trays to  the ceiling,
silent  portentous  smell  of  uremia  seeping  under the
door,  suburban  lawns  to sound  of the  water sprinkler,
in  calm  jungle night  under silent  wings of  the Anoph-
eles  mosquito.  (Note:  This is  not a  figure. Anopheles
mosquitoes are silent. ) Thickly carpeted,  discreet nurs-
ing  home  in Kensington:  stiff brocade  chair and  a cup
of  tea,  the  Swedish  modern  living  room   with  water
hyacinths  in  a  yellow  bowl  --  outside the  China blue
Northern  sky  and  drifting  clouds,  under   bad  water-
colors of the dying medical student.
  "A schnaps I think Frau Underschnitt."
  The  doctor  was  talking  into  a  phone  with  a chess
board in front of him. "Quite a  severe lesion  I think...
of  course  without to  see the  Horoscope." He  picks up
the  knight  and  then  replaces it  thoughtfully. "Yes...
Both  lungs...  quite  definitely."  He  replaces  the  re-
ceiver and turns to  Carl. "I  have observed  these people
show  amazingly  quick  wound   recovery,  with   low  in-
cidence  of  infection.
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