"So the doctor said to me, 'I can only
advise you to leave the area. Otherwise I shall bury
you.' This croaker does a little undertaking on the side.
Piecing out the odds you might say, and throwing him-
self a spot of business now and then." So after the third
pink gin when he gets to know you, he shifts to dysen-
tery. "Most extraordinary discharge. More or less of a
white yellow color like rancid jism and stringy you
An explorer in sun helmet has brought down a citizen
with blow gun and curare dart. He administers artificial
respiration with one foot. (Curare kills by paralyzing
the lungs. It has no other toxic effect, is not, strictly
speaking, a poison. If artificial respiration is admin-
istered the subject will not die. Curare is eliminated
with great rapidity by the kidneys.) "That was the year
of the rindpest when everything died, even the hyenas.
...So there I was completely out of K.Y. in the head-
waters of the Baboonsasshole. When it came through
by air drop my gratitude was indescribable.... As a
matter of fact, and I have never told this before to a
living soul -- elusive blighters" -- his voice echoes through
a vast empty hotel lobby in 1890 style, red plush, rubber
plants, gilt and statues -- "I was the only white man
ever initiated into the infamous Agouti Society, wit-
nessed and participated in their unspeakable rites."
(The Agouti Society has turned out for a Chimu
Fiesta. (The Chimu of ancient Peru were much given
to sodomy and occasionally staged bloody battles with
clubs, running up several hundred casualties in the
course of an afternoon. ) The youths, sneering and goos-
ing each other with clubs, troop out to the field. Now
the battle begins.
Gentle reader, the ugliness of that spectacle buggers
description. Who can be a cringing pissing coward,
yet vicious as a purple-assed mandril, alternating these
deplorable conditions like vaudeville skits? Who can
shit on a fallen adversary who, dying, eats the shit and
screams with joy? Who can hang a weak passive and
catch his sperm in mouth like a vicious dog? Gentle
reader, I fain would spare you this, but my pen hath
its will like the Ancient Mariner. Oh Christ what a
scene is this! Can tongue or pen accommodate these
scandals? A beastly young hooligan has gouged out the
eye of his confrere and fuck him in the brain. "This
brain atrophy already, and dry as grandmother's cunt. |