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  It  can  ex-
hibit living qualities only in a host, by  using the  life of
another -- the renunciation of life itself, a  falling towards
inorganic, inflexible machine, towards dead matter. )
    "Bureaus die when the structure  of the  state collapses.
They  are  as  helpless  and  unfit  for  independent  exist-
ences as a  displaced tapeworm,  or a  virus that  has killed
the host.
    "In  Timbuctu  I  once   saw  an   Arab  boy   who  could
play a flute with his ass, and the fairies told me he was
really an individual in bed. He could play a tune up and
down the  organ hitting  the most  erogenously sensitive
spots, which are different on everyone, of  course. Every
lover had his special theme song  which was  perfect for
him and rose to his climax. The boy  was a  great artist
when  it  came  to  improving  new combines  and special
climaxes,  some of  them notes  in the  unknown, tie-ups
of seeming  discords that  would suddenly  break through
each  other  and  crash  together  with a  stunning, hot
sweet impact.

  "Fats"  Terminal has  organized a  purple-assed baboon
stick from motorcycles.
  The  Huntsmen  have  gathered  for the  Hunt Breakfast
in The Swarm Bar,  a hang-out  for elegant  pansies. The
Huntsmen strut about with  imbecile narcissism  in black
leather jackets and studded belts, flexing their muscles
for  the  fags to  feel. They  all wear  enormous falsie
baskets. Every now  and then  one of  them throws  a fag
to the floor and pisses on him.
  They  are  drinking   Victory  Punch,   compounded  of
paregoric,  Spanish  Fly,  heavy  black   rum,  Napoleon
brandy  and  canned  heat.  The punch  is served  from a
great, hollow, gold baboon, crouched in snarling terror,
snapping at a spear in his side. You twist  the baboon's
balls and punch  runs out  his cock.  From time  to time
hot hors-d'oeuvres pop out the baboon's ass with  a loud
farting  noise.  When  this  happens  the  Huntsmen roar
with bestial laughter, and the fags shriek and twitch.
  Master  of  the  Hunt  is  Captain  Everhard,  who was
drummed  out  of the  Queen's 69th  for palming  a jock-
strap  in a  game of  strip poker.  Motorcycles careening,
jumping,  overturning.  Spitting, shrieking,  shitting ba-
boons  fighting  hand  to hand  with the  Huntsmen. Rider-
less  cycles scrabbling  about in  the dust  like crippled
insects, attacking baboon and Huntsman....
  The  Party  Leader  rides  in  triumph   through  yiping
crowds.  A dignified  old man  shits at  sight of  him and
tries to sacrifice himself under the wheels of the car.
  Party  Leader:  "Don't  sacrifice   your  old   dried  up
person  under  the  wheels  of  my  brand new  Buick Road-
master  Convertible  with  white-walled  tires,  hydraulic
windows and all the trimmings.
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