It's a chip Arab trick --
look to thy accent, Ivan -- save it for fertilizer.... We
refer you to the conservation department to consum-
mate your swell purpose...."
The washing boards are down, and the sheets are
sent to the Laundromat lose those guilty stains -- Em-
manuel prophesies a Second Coming....
There's a boy across the river with an ass like a peach;
alas I was no swimmer and lost my Clementine.
The junky sits with needle poised to the message of
blood, and the con man palpates the mark with fingers
of rotten ectoplasm....
Dr. Berger's Mental Health Hour.... Fadeout.
TECHNICIAN: "Now listen, I'll say it again, and I'll
say it slow. 'Yes.'" He nods. "And make with the smile.
. The smile." He shows his false teeth in hideous
parody of a toothpaste ad. "'We like apple pie, and we
like each other. It's just as simple as that,' -- and make
it sound simple, country simple.... Look bovine,
whyncha? You want the switchboard again? Or the
Subject -- Cured Criminal Psychopath -- "No!... No!
...What's this bovine?"
Technician: "Look like a cow."
SUBJECT -- with cow's head -- "Moooo Moooo."
TECHNICIAN (starting back): "Too much!! No! Just
look square, you dig, like a nice popcorn John...."
Subject: "A mark?"
Technician: "Well, not exactly a mark. Not enough
larceny in this citizen. He is after light concussion....
You know the type. Telepathic sender and receiver ex-
cised. The Service Man Look... Action, camera."
SUBJECT: "Yes, we like apple pie." His stomach rum-
bles loud and long. Streamers of saliva hang off his
Dr. Berger looks up from some notes. He look like
Jewish owl with black glasses, the light hurt his eyes:
"I think he is an unsuitable subject.... See he reports
to Disposal."
TECHNICIAN: "Well, we could cut that rumble out of
the sound track, stick a drain in his mouth and..."
DR. BERGER: "No... He's unsuitable." He looks at
the subject with distaste as if he commit. some terrible
faux-pas like look for crabs in Mrs. Worldly's drawing
TECHNICIAN (resigned and exasperated): "Bring in
the cured swish."
The cured homosexual is brought in.... He walks
through invisible contours of hot metal. He sits in front
of the camera and starts arranging his body in a coun-
trified sprawl. Muscles move into place like autonomous
parts of a severed insect. Blank stupidity blurs and
softens his face: "Yes," he nods and smiles, "we like
apple pie and we like each other. |