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  Frantic queen trying to claw  sport jacket  off depart-
ing boy.
  "My   two   hundred   dollar   cashmere   jacket,"  she
  "So he has an affair with this Latah, he wants to domi-
nate  someone  complete  the  silly  old   thing....  The
Latah  imitates  all his  expressions and  mannerisms and
simply  sucks all  the persona  right out  of him  like a
sinister  ventriloquist's  dummy....  'You've  taught  me
everything  you  are.... I  need a  new amigo.'  And poor
Bubu can't answer for himself, having no self left."
  JUNKY: "So there we are in this no-horse  town strictly
from cough syrup."
  PROFESSOR:   "Coprophilia...   gentlemen...   might  be
termed the hurumph... redundant vice...."
  "Twenty  years  an  artist  in  the  blue movies  and I
never sink so low as fake an orgasm."
  "No  good  junky  cunt  hang  up  her  unborn child....
Women are no good, kid."
  "I  mean  this  dead level  conscious sex,...  Might as
well take your old clothes to the Laundromat...."
  "And  right in  the heat  of passion  he says,  'Do you
have an extra shoetree?' "
  "She tell me  how forty  Arabs drag  her into  a mosque
and   rape   her   presumably   in   sequence....  Though
they're bad to push -- all  right, end  of the  line, Ali.
Really, my pets, most distasteful  routine I  ever listen
to. I was after being raped  myself by  a pride  of rampant
  A group of sour Nationalists  sits in  front of  the Sar-
gasso  sneering  at  the  queens  and jabbering  in Arabic.
...Clem  and  Jody  sweep  in  dressed like  The Capitalist
in a communist mural.
  CLEM:   "We  have   come  to   feed  on   your  backward-
  JODY:  "In  the  words  of the  Immortal Bard,  to batten
on these Moors."
  NATIONALIST:  "Swine!  Filth!  Son  of  dogs!  Don't  you
realize my people are hungry?"
  CLEM: "That's the way I like to see them."
  The   Nationalist  drops   dead,  poisoned   by  hate....
Dr.  Benway  rushes  up:  "Stand  back  everybody,  give me
air." He takes a blood sample. "Well, that's all I  can do.
When you gotta go you gotta go."
  The  traveling  queer  Christmas  tree  burns  bright on
the  rubbish  heaps  of  home  where boys  jack off  in the
school  toilet  --  how  many  young  spasms  on   that  old
oaken seat worn smooth as gold....
  Sleep  long  in  the valley  of the  Red River  where cob-
webs hang black windows and boy bones....
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