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  Sleep  long  in  the valley  of the  Red River  where cob-
webs hang black windows and boy bones....
  Two Negro fags shriek at each other.
  FAG  1:  "Shut  up,  you  cheap  granuloma  gash....  You
known as Loathsome Lu in the trade."
  DISEUSE: "The girl with the innaresting groin."
  FAG  2:  "Meow.  Meow."  He  slips  on  leopard  skin and
iron claws....
  FAG  1:  "Oh  oh.  A  Society  Woman."  He  flees scream-
ing  through the  Market, pursued  by the  grunting, growl-
ing transvestite....
  Clem trips a spastic cripple and takes his crutches....
He does a hideous parody twitching and drooling....
  Riot  noises in  the distance  -- a  thousand hysterical
  Shop shutters slam like  guillotines. Drinks  and trays
hang in the air as the patrons are whisked inside  by the
suction of panic.
  CHORUS  OF  FAGS:  "We'll all  be raped.  I know  it, I
know it." They rush into a  drugstore and  buy a  case of
  PARTY  LEADER  (holding  up  his   hand  dramatically):
"The voice of the People."
  Pearson  the  Money  Changeling  comes   acropping  the
short  grass  seized  by  the extortionate  commandant of
Karma, hiding in a vacant lot with the garter  snakes, to
be sniffed out by the scrutable dog....
  The  Market  is  empty  except for  an old  drunkard of
indeterminate nationality passed out with  his head  in a
pissoir.  The rioters  erupt into  the Market  yiping and
screaming  "Death to  the French"  and tear  the drunkard
to pieces.
  SALVADOR  HASSAN  (squirming   at  a   keyhole):  "Just
look  at  those expressions,  the whole  beautiful proto-
plasmic being all  exactly alike."  He dances  the Lique-
factionist Jig.
  Whimpering  queen  falls  to  the  floor  in  an orgasm.
"Oh God it's too exciting. Like  a million  hot throbbing
  BENWAY: "Like to run a blood test on those boys."
  A  portentously  inconspicuous  man,  grey   beard  and
grey face and shabby brown jellaba,  sings in  slight un-
placeable accent without opening his lips:
       "Oh you dolls, you great big beautiful dolls."
  Squads of police with thin lips, big noses and cold
grey eyes move into the Market from every entrance
street. They club and kick the rioters with cold, meth-
odical brutality.
  The rioters have been carted away in trucks. The
shutters go up and the citizens of Interzone step out
into the square littered with teeth and sandals and
slippery with blood.
  The sea chest of the dead man is in the Embassy, and
the vice consul breaks the news to mother.
  There is no... Morning... Daybreak... n'existe
plus.... If I knew I'd be glad to tell you. Either way
is a bad move to the East Wing.... He is gone through
an invisible door.
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