A. J. had tampered with the water, inserting a South
American vine that turns the gums to mush.
(I hear about this vine from an old German prospec-
tor who is dying of uremia in Pasto, Columbia. Sup-
posed to grow in the Putumayo area. Never located any.
Didn't try very hard.... The same citizen tells me
about a bug like a big grasshopper known as the Xiucu-
til: "Such a powerful aphrodisiac if one flies on you and
you can't get a woman right away you will die. I have
seen the Indians running around pulling themselves off
from the contact with this animal." Unfortunately I
never score for a Xiucutil.... )
On opening night of the New York Metropolitan,
A. J., protected by bug repellent, released a swarm of
Mrs. Vanderbligh swatting at a Xiucutil: "Oh!...
Oh!... OOOOOOOOOOOH!1!" Screams, breaking
glass, ripping cloth. A rising crescendo of grunts and
squeals and moans and whimpers and gasps.... Reek
of semen and cunts and sweat and the musty odor of
penetrated rectums,... Diamonds and fur pieces, eve-
ning dresses, orchids, suits and underwear litter the
floor covered by a writhing, frenzied, heaving mass of
naked bodies.
A. J. once reserved a table a year in advance Chez
Robert where a huge, icy gourmet broods over the
greatest cuisine in the world. So baneful and derogatory
is his gaze that many a client, under that withering
blast, has rolled on the floor and pissed all over himself
in convulsive attempts to ingratiate.
So A. J. arrives with six Bolivian Indians who chew
coca leaves between courses. And when Robert, in all
his gourmet majesty, bears down on the table, A. J.
looks up and yells: "Hey, Boy! Bring me some ketchup."
(Alternative: A. J. whips out a bottle of ketchup and
douses the haute cuisine. )
Thirty gourmets stop chewing at once. You could
have heard a souffle drop. As for Robert, he lets out a
bellow of rage like a wounded elephant, runs to the
kitchen and arms himself with a meat cleaver.... The
Sommelier snarls hideously, his face turning a strange
iridescent purple.... He breaks off a bottle of Brut Cham-
pagne... '26.... Pierre, the Head Waiter, snatches up
a boning knife. All three chase A. |