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They've got a horrid
gash instead of a thrilling thing."
  "I can't face it."
  "Enough to turn a body to stone."
  Paul spoke wiser than he know being a really evil
old shit when he talk about men lying with men doing
that which is inconvenient. Inconvenient is the word.
So who want to trip over a cock on the way to a cunt,
and when a citizen get the yen to hump a gash, some
evil stranger rush in and do that which is inconvenient
to his ass.
  A. J. rush across San Marco slashing at pigeons with
a cutlass: "Bastards! Sons of bitches!" he screams....
He  staggers  aboard his  barge, a  monstrous construction
in gilt and pink and blue with sails of purple  velvet. He
is  dressed  in  a  preposterous  naval  uniform  covered
with braid  and ribbons  and medals,  dirty and  torn, the
coat  buttoned in  the wrong  holes.... A.  J. walks  to a
huge  reproduction  of  a  Greek  urn  topped  by  a  gold
statue  of a  boy with  an erection.  He twists  the boy's
balls and a  jet of  champagne spurts  into his  mouth. He
wipes his mouth and looks around.
 "Where are my Nubians, God damn it?" he yells.
 His  secretary  looks  up  from  a comic  book: "Juicing.
...Chasing cunt."
 "Goldbricking   cocksuckers.   Where's   a   man  without
his Nubians?"
 "Take a gondola whyncha?'
 "A gondola?" A.  J. screams.  "I put  out for  this cock-
sucker  I  should  ride  in  a  gondola already?  Reef the
mainsail  and  ship  the  oars,  Mr. Hyslop....  I'm gonna
make with  the auxiliary."  Mr. Hyslop  shrugs resignedly.
With  one  finger  he  begins  punching  a switchboard....
The sails drop, the oars draw into the hull.
 "And  turn  on  the  perfume  whyncha?  The  canal stinks
up a breeze."
 "Gardenia? Sandlewood?'
 "Naw.  Ambrosia."  Mr.  Hyslop  presses   another  button
and  a  thick  cloud  of perfume  settles over  the barge.
A. J. is seized with a fit of coughing....
 "Make  with the  fans" he  yells. "I'm  suffocatin'!" Mr.
Hyslop  is  coughing  into  a  handkerchief. He  presses a
button. Fans whir  and thin  out the  ambrosia. A.  J. in-
stalls himself at the rudder on a raised  dais. "Contact!"
The  barge  begins  to  vibrate.  "Avanti,  God  damn it!"
A. J. yells and the barge takes off across  the canal  at a
tremendous  speed overturning  gondolas full  of tourists,
missing  the motoscafi  by inches,  veering from  one side
of  the  canal  to  the  other (the  wake washes  over the
sidewalks  drenching  passersby)  shattering  a   fleet  of
moored  gondolas,  and  finally piles  up against  a pier,
spins out into  the middle  of the  canal.
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