... Not here... You can look any
place.... No good... No bueno... Hustling myself.
...C'lom Fliday.
( Note: Old time, veteran Schmeckers, faces beaten
by grey junk weather, will remember.... In 1920s a lot
of Chinese pushers around found The West so unreli-
able, dishonest and wrong, they all packed in, so when
an Occidental junky came to score, they say:
"No glot.... C'lom Fliday....")
I was working for an outfit known as Islam Inc.,
financed by A. J., the notorious Merchant of Sex, who
scandalized international society when he appeared at
the Duc de Ventre's ball as a walking penis covered by
a huge condom emblazoned with the A. J. motto "They
Shall Not Pass."
"Rather bad taste, old boy," said the Duke.
To which A. J. replied: "Up yours with Interzone
K.Y." The reference is to the K.Y. scandal which was
still in a larval state at that time. A. J.'s repartee often
refers to future events. He is a master of the delayed
Salvador Hassan O'Leary, the After Birth Tycoon, is
also involved. That is, one of his subsidiary companies
has made unspecified contributions, and one of his sub-
sidiary personalities is attached to the organization in
an advisory capacity without in any way committing
himself to, or associating himself with, the policies,
aetions or objectives of Islam Inc. Mention should also
be made of Clem and Jody, the Ergot Brothers, who
decimated the Republic of Hassan with poison wheat,
Autopsy Ahmed, and Hepatitis Hal, the fruit and vege-
table broker.
A rout of Mullahs and Muftis and Musseins and Caids
and Glaouis and Sheiks and Sultans and Holy Men and
representatives of every conceivable Arab party make
up the rank and file and attend the actual meetings
from which the higher ups prudently abstain. Though
the delegates are carefully searched at the door, these
gatherings invariably culminate in riots. Speakers are
often doused with gasoline and burned to death, or some
uncouth desert Sheik opens up on his opponents with a
machine gun he had concealed in the belly of a pet
sheep. Nationalist martyrs with grenades up the ass
mingle with the assembled conferents and suddenly ex-
plode, occasioning heavy casualties. |