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"Twenty years I've been a martyr to dyspepsia."
  Lovable Lu  your brainwashed  poppa say:  "I'm strictly
for fish, and  I luuuuuve  it.... Confidentially,  girls, I
use  Steely  Dan's  Yokohama,  wouldn't  you?  Danny  Boy
never  lets  you  down. Besides  it's more  hygienic that
way  and  avoids  all  kinda awful  contacts leave  a man
paralyzed  from  the  waist   down.  Women   have  poison
  "So I told him, I said: 'Doctor Berger, don't think you
can pass  your tired  old brainwashed  belles on  me. I'm
the  oldest  faggot in  the Upper  Baboon's Asshole....'"

  Switch envelopes in clip clap joint where fraudulent
girls put the B on you in favor of the House 666 and
there  is no  health in  them clap  broads rotten  to the
apple  corer  of  my  unconsummate  cock.  Who  shot  Cock
Robin?...  The  sparrow  falls  to  my   trustful  Webley,
and a drop of blood gathers at his beak....
  Lord  Jim  has  turned  bright yellow  in the  woe with-
ered moon  of morning  like white  smoke against  the blue
stuff, and shirts whip in a cold spring wind  on limestone
cliffs across the river, Mary, and the  dawn is  broken in
two pieces like Dillinger on the lamster  way to  the Bio-
graph.  Smell  of  neon and  atrophied gangsters,  and the
criminal  manque  nerves  himself  to  crack a  pay toilet
sniffing  ammonia  in  a  bucket....  "A  caper,"  he says.
"I'll pull this capon I mean caper."

  PARTY   LEADER   (mixing   another  scotch):   "The  next
riot goes off  like a  football play.  We have  imported a
thousand  bone  fed,  blue  ribbon Latahs  from Indochina.
...All we need  is one  riot leader  for the  whole unit."
His eyes sweep the table.
  LIEUTENANT:  "But,  chief,  can't  we  get  them  started
and they imitate each other like a chained reaction?"
  The  Diseuse  undulate   through  the   Market:  "What's
a Latah do when he's alone?'
  P.L.:  "That a  technical point.  We'll have  to consult
Benway.   Personally,  I   think  someone   should  follow
through on the whole operation."
  "I  do  not  know," he  said for  lack of  the requisite
points and ratings to secure the appointment.
  "They  have  no  feelings,"  said Doctor  Benway, slash-
ing his patient to shreds. "Just  reflexes... I  urge dis-
traction. '
  "The age of consent is when they learn to talk."
  "May  all  your troubles  be little  ones as  one child
molester say to the other."
  "It's really ominous, my dear,  when they  start trying
on  your   clothes  and   give  you   those  doppelganger
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