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  Muscles move  into place  like autonomous
parts  of  a  severed insect.  Blank stupidity  blurs and
softens his  face: "Yes,"  he nods  and smiles,  "we like
apple pie and we like each other. It's just as  simple as
that." He nods and smiles and nods and smiles and --
  "Cut1..."  screams  the  Technician.  The  cured  homo-
sexual is led out nodding and smiling.
  "Play it back."
  The Artistic Adviser shakes his  head: "It  lacks some-
thing. To be specific, it lacks health."
  Berger (leaps to his feet): "Preposterous!  It's health
  ARTISTIC  ADVISER  (primly):  "Well  if  you  have any-
thing to enlighten me on this subject  I'll be  very glad
to hear it, Doctor Berger.... If you with  your brilliant
mind can carry the project  alone, I  don't know  why you
need an Art Adviser at all."  He exits  with hand  on hip
singing softly: "I'll be around when you're gone."
  TECHNICIAN:  "Send  in  the  cured writer....  He's got
what? Buddhism?... Oh, he can't talk.  Say so  at first,
whyncha?"  He turns  to Berger:  "The writer  can't talk.
...Overliberated,  you might  say. Of  course we  can dub
  BERGER  (sharply):  "No,  that  wouldn't do  at all....
Send in someone else."
  TECHNICIAN:  "Those  two   was  my   white-haired  boys.
I  put  in  a hundred  hours overtime  on those  kids for
which I am not yet compensate...."
  BERGER: "Apply triplicate.... Form 6090."
  TECHNICIAN:  "You  telling  me  how  to   apply  already?
Now  look,  Doc,  you  say something  once. 'To  speak of
a healthy homosexual it's like how can  a citizen  be per-
fectly healthy with terminal cirrhosis.' Remember?"
  BERGER: "Oh yes. Very well put,  of course,"  he snarls
viciously. "I don't pretend to be a writer." He  spits the
word out with such  ugly hate  that the  Technician reels
back appalled....
  TECHNICIAN  (aside): "I  can't bear  the smell  of him.
Like old rotten  replica cultures....  Like the  farts of
a  maneating  plant....  Like  Schafer's  hurumph" (paro-
dies  academic  manner)  "Strange  Serpent...   What  I'm
getting  at,  Doc, is  how can  you expect  a body  to be
healthy  with  its brains  washed out?...  Or put  it an-
other  way.  Can  a  subject be  healthy in  abstentia by
proxy already?"
  BERGER  (leaps  up):  "I  got  the  health!...  All the
health!  Enough  health  for the  whole world,  the whole
fuckin world! t I cure everybody!"
  The  Technician  looks  at  him  sourly.  He   mixes  a
bicarbonate of soda and  drinks it  and belches  into his
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